Prayer confuses me...

Prayer confuses me, but that doesn't give me permission not to do it. There are so many perspectives, opinions, interpretations, and all round talk about the tool and power of prayer. I find myself pretty skeptical and uneasy of books written about prayer. Maybe this is wrong on my part...or maybe I'm right on. I don't really know.
Some of my insecurities and/or questions about prayer are:

Should we pray even when we don't feel like it?
Or skip it when our hearts aren't "feeling it?" 
Does prayer make a difference in what the outcome will be?
How?... if God already knows and/or determined that outcome?
Does it matter how often we pray?
Should we pray specifically?
Should we pray generally?
Should we pray more for others?
Should we pray more for ourselves?
Does God get frustrated when our "lists" are longer than our praises?
Does He want us to keep asking for the desires of our hearts?
How do we know when to stop?
How much does prayer "influence" what God does, because it's not like we are
"trying to convince Him to see our side?"

I know of individuals who are obsessive about covering EVERYTHING in prayer: every meeting, every conversation, every morning begins with prayer, every evening ends in prayer, every meal is surrounded by prayer, etc...almost like they are terrified to skip a prayer. I found myself annoyed at this by thinking, do they really not expect God's blessing unless they ask for it in each specific encounter? If that's the case, then I would be paranoid running around like a total psycho, terrified that I forgot to lift something up. I honestly don't think God works that way. He calls us to pray, so I do. And I trust that as I lay my requests, my praises, my fears, my desires, and my days before Him, He will act. I am not worried that if I miss an opportunity of prayer that He "won't act"...but that doesn't mean I don't pray. I trust Him to do His will, and to guide my prayers accordingly.

If I allow myself to over think prayer, my heart rate begins to climb. He wants me in communication with Him regularly, trusting His sovereignty, no matter how my prayers play into the larger plan. I do believe not praying is forfeiting blessings...of that I am confident.

I don't think I believe in strategic praying. I don't believe it's up to me and my prayers to change people or circumstances. But I do know that He will place a call on me to pray about specific circumstances, letting me contribute to what He is already doing.  I believe I should lay it all before Him, and allow Him to act, using me as part of it, if He chooses. The faith test comes in the form of praying and releasing the control we want to have. I struggle with this because I wonder if He does withhold certain blessings because we don't ask or lay certain things before Him in prayer.

God doesn't need me in order to to do what He wants. But He does ask me to join Him in what He is doing by praying. And He does require an obedient prayerful spirit. He calls me to lift up things to Him, and to let go...He does what He wants for His glory.  Yes, I am commanded to pray and to be active in my prayer life...but how those prayers and His purposes work in partnership really isn't my business.

I think it's okay to be confused by prayer, how it works, and why we do it. The point is that we do "do it" regardless of whether we understand it or not. Even as I am writing this I find myself struggling through some of these statements, confused by my own opinions.  But that's okay.  I don't have to know...but I do need to pray. The mystery of prayer requires an immense amount of faith...because it reminds me to rely completely on His sovereignty...taking it out of my hands.


  1. I told the kids that prayer is our way of communicating with God. If we do not communicate on a daily basis, our relationship lacks intimacy. I compared it to relationships in our life, and how if we do not talk with people often, then the closeness is not there. I kept it simple, but to me, that is what keeps me praying. Thank you for your thoughts on this thought, Love you!!


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