Are we so determined to dodge suffering, that when the inevitable occurs, we find ourselves completely paralyzed? 

Rather than placing the majority of our energy into evading pain, we should be preparing ourselves to face it straight on, knowing ahead of time where to find Him in the midst of it. Because heartache will happen, but His glory will meet us there.  However, it is up to us whether or not we allow ourselves to be destroyed, completely overtaken by what hurts us. Pain is inevitable, but destruction isn't. 

Christ gets it. He suffered as we suffer. 
But I think sometimes we focus primarily on the divinity of Christ, not paying enough attention to the humanity He endured.  We think to ourselves, "But He is he doesn't truly experience the flesh the way I do." 

Even He asked for a way out, requesting an escape of His execution if the Father willed it.  (Lk 22:42) Yet, God denied his first request, placing the eternity of the lost as the priority...the story of His glory.

Often forgotten is that pain can end up being the solution to a problem. Viewing suffering as the enemy to be avoided at all cost, is where we tend to go wrong. 

Trials are to be expected, but pain is not the enemy. Rather we should be intentional to use our heartache for the greater good. Otherwise...we just wasted it. 


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