Personal reminders going into the New Year...


Don't give yourself too much credit in your ability to think and reason. You are only human. 

Count those blessings. Thanking God aloud often makes a difference 

When you think of yourself as "not that bad" it makes it easy to compromise your actions

Spread joy. 
Stop spending so much energy on being frustrated

Winning isn't everything

People matter more than tasks

We can't control everything...but we can choose how to react

Life isn't fair


Lying to yourself only prevents you from personal growth

Criticism can be a good thing, even when it hurts

Stop dwelling on what  you think "life owes you", and live in service to others. 



Stop making excuses, and admit when you are wrong

Pray for your enemies

Self care is vital. Silence is a good thing. Sleep is even better. 
Saying "no|" to things is okay too...

Deal with your sin. Don't ignore the power it has over you. You can't conquer it on your own. You need Him...every single day

Choose your words carefully, especially when someone else's feelings or reputation are at stake 

Give people the benefit of the doubt

When in conflict, trust your gut, your heart can be misleading

Listen more, talk less

Be patient. Others are patient with you.

What is going on inside you will be displayed through your actions and words 

Accept that there are many things you will never understand and simply do not know 

Extend grace even when you are one is perfect. 

Each person has to deal with their personal weaknesses. Just because your issues are different does not mean you are better. 

God can change anyone...remember Saul turned Paul? 

Saying it again...count those blessings

Pray. Pray. Pray. 

Relax, breathe
You are not alone. You are forgiven. You are loved. 


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