About 2 weeks ago I was sitting at my parents’ kitchen table playing rummy with mom and as I was tucking my hair behind my ear, a chunk fell out. I wasn't prepared. 

That was the start of it, hair falling out everywhere...all day long. It was gross. But luckily I could cover up the ever growing spot of baldness on the top of my head. My hair is thick. However, my anxiety was growing. I didn't want to take a shower, to lay my head on my pillow, to even look in the mirror. I put on a hat, pretending it wasn't an issue. But in the back of my mind, I was fearing the day a giant chunk from the front would fall. I wanted to regain control.

My childhood best friend, Melissa (mother of 6), had graciously offered to shave her head so I wouldn't be alone in my state of baldness. I thought she was kidding, she wasn't. While home at Christmas we talked about it, she was ready, I was not. 

But it was inevitable. I texted her. "You in?" She said she hadn't waivered in her offer. So, Monday afternoon, my sweet friend Leslie took clippers to my head, then the razor. I didn't know it was possible to feel this free...free of anxiety. I feel in control in again, that the state of my hair was an intentional decision I made...not cancer victimizing me.

 I have a wig. I have head coverings. I have the best support system.

My original hair: 

My hair now: 

The wig for work: 

So when the hair grows back, it will be new hair, not laced with chemo toxins...a fresh start. Here's to a new look, and a lighter spirit. 



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