The New Normal

Hello all,

It’s been a while since my last update. Several things were lingering and I wanted to wait for confirmation before updating you. As the treatment plan is progressing, there have been a few hiccups along the way, which is typical when this many medical professionals, schedules, and opinions are involved. Knowing I serve a sovereign God has made this frustrating process manageable. I can’t fathom doing this without the hope of Christ and the peace He brings.

I am continuing occupational therapy twice a week to deal with cording issues in my left arm. My OT said it was the worst case she had ever seen. I have full range of motion again and no pain. Please pray the cords continue to dissolve.

Due to the loss of 9 lymph nodes, I do have lymphedema, but up until now the swelling is minimal. I am wearing compression garments daily to help keep the swelling under control. Please pray I get access to the pressure machine being ordered. This will be an hour-long treatment I will do from home everyday, going forward.

Radiation has been scheduled for August 21st and will be 5 days a week for 6 weeks. There are some side effects I am particularly concerned about. Will you pray if does not destroy the reconstruction that is still healing? Will you also pray it does not increase the swelling from the lymphedema? Both outcomes are possibilities I need to be prepared for.

Starting in July, they will put me on a hormone blocker due to the role of estrogen in my cancer. This will immediately put my body into menopause. For obvious reasons, I am terrified. I am asking for prayer for the side effects.

Hair on my head is coming in thick, eyebrows have returned, and eye lashes are on their way (yet in an awkward stage of curly). These are all good things :) 

Thank you for your care and prayers. They are needed and deeply appreciated.


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