In the blink of an eye...your world can change...your direction can shift...your life can transform. In the blink of an eye, God got a hold of me, and his method to break me, was devastating, but I see His glory, even in tragedy. It's Saturday night and I am sitting on my bed, the balcony open, the street aromas coming though, smoke, taxis honking. My mind has been in a trance today with my recent and quick trip to the states and back. 22 hours after hearing of Aimee's death, i was on a plane, and now i am right back where I was. Tonight as I was walking through our neighborhood to stock up on food, different mosques went off with their calls to prayer. One by one the calm evening sky suddenly had a soundtrack, and my mind went wild. I know the reason I was called to serve here. The darkness is so heavy, and after witnessing the frailty of life this last week, my heart hurts all the more to bring glory where it is due. I am not skilled at the language, and make cultural mistakes daily...but I know I am where I am supposed to be. I know I was placed in this exact spot with a divine purpose. And maybe for the first time in my life, i am okay not knowing methods, the outcome, or the schedule...for the first time, i am reminded who is in charge, who can take it all away...who can make things happen. For the first time I don't care that I am not running the show...and actually quite relieved that I am not... I am at peace watching my Father work His wonders.


  1. We are praying for you Christy, I know you must be going through a very difficult time right now. Death is such a terrible thing to cope with, and often makes no sense at all. I am glad you are remembering that everything is part of God's greater scheme, even when we don't know why. I am so sorry for the loss of Aimee, but I am also thankful that you can take comfort in knowing that she is with our Lord right now, praising him eternally. You are in Cairo for many wonderful reasons, and I know the people's lives you touch will always be the better for it. You are in our thoughts and prayers always,


  2. wow...beatifully written...You inspire me! We love you and are so thankful you have influence in our son's life!
    much love to you!

  3. I needed to read this tonight. Thank you for sharing. He is showing Himself through your journey and speaking into my own. So glad we're here together!


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