I wanted to give you a little update to request specific prayer. 

A couple of days after surgery, I noticed an acute pain in my left arm. Knowing lymphedema was a risk as a result of losing so many lymph nodes, I have been watching my arm closely. Yesterday, I was informed of two complications that have developed as a result of my surgery. First, I am showing signs of swelling in my left arm, which has been identified as chronic lymphedema. I will begin treatment for this condition, as well as receiving an arm brace I will need to wear from this point on. In addition to the brace, I will be using a machine to help with training the appropriate flow of fluid through my body. This is manageable, but definitely a life-long issue to learn to live with. I am processing this.

In addition to this news, the pain in my left arm was identified as webbing/axillary cording, which occurs when tissue forms a cord through the arm...or in my case, 2 cords. It will take about a month to dissolve this tissue, and radiation will be postponed until we can get this resolved. The treatment is extremely painful but will be worth it, once the cords dissolved and I have full use of my arm again.

Lastly, I am meeting with the Radiation Oncologist next week to see if I will move forward with radiation. While I know the Oncology team believes this is the best next step, I am not yet convinced that this is the right decision for my case. I am asking for prayer for wisdom.

I write to you today with a heart of thankfulness for the fact that I have access to treatment. But at the same time, this is a lot to process and absorb. I have moments of anxiety to sort through, but ultimately trust the sovereignty of a loving God. Thank you for the support and prayers. 


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