Prayer and Bible Reading Outline

Yesterday, I was listening to this sermon by Tim Keller on "personal prayer. He gave some really good insight and strategies of how to conduct a personal quiet time. This morning, I tried it out, and was amazed how much I was able to learn and apply based on a few simple steps.  The outline is below, I would encourage you to check it out sometime...I am pretty thankful I stumbled upon this:

"God will always give you what you would have asked for, if you knew everything He knows."

By Tim Keller

Evening Prayer:
Put your soul down for rest at night. Remember her knows best…PASSIVE PRAYER. Remembering all the really important things, you’ve got!
Find the deepest urges of your heart, and turn them into prayer.

Morning Prayer: ACTIVE PRAYER
Boldness, specificity, discipline, submission to God’s will and wisdom
Petition, repentance for idols (helps you rest)

Bible Reading: take a passage, read it 3 or 4 times. Ask yourself the following questions-
1.     Make a list of everything the passage tells you about God or Christ
2.     List everything it tells you about yourself
3.     Look for examples to follow or avoid, commands to obey or do, and promises to claim
Meditation: Talking yourself about God; talking to yourself before God (example Psalm 103)  Choose one or two things that were probably the best thing you learned…then, instead of moving onto prayer, meditate on it

1.    If I truly believe this, how would I be different if this truth was explosively alive in my innermost being?
2.    Why is God showing me this today?


1.     What can I praise God for what I see in this?
2.     What wrong behavior, harmful emotions, false attitudes result in my when I forget?
3.     How is the grace I have in Jesus Christ the key to help me overcome the sin that I just confessed?
4.     What do I need to do or be come in light of this?


Pray through your meditations…


  1. Wow. Excellent focus points. Thank you. Needed this. You never cease to amaze me. Love you. Love your love for the Lord, your dedication, your faith, and your intellect.


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