As things are getting started, the updates are a little bit more frequent. Please continue to pray, particularly over this next week. I am asking for my family to be lifted up as well.

 This morning I had the surgery where my med port was placed on my chest. After almost having it canceled (due to my mistake of drinking water prior to the procedure), they approved to go ahead. Whew! Also, I need to be better at my post anesthetic comments…never a dull moment. So humbling.

I am home this weekend recovering and working on a grad school paper. Grateful that my institution gave me a slight extension to get my work turned in after the chaos and stress of the last few weeks. Chemo starts Tuesday, and it will be combined with the immunotherapy treatments as well. I have an incredible family and they have made arrangements for my mom to travel in on Monday and stay with me for the week. What a gift she is.

 As someone who doesn’t take medication and tries to avoid it at all cost, I can say with no hesitation that I am terrified of the effects of the chemotherapy on my body. Everyone knows that chemo does not have a good reputation. If I let it, the fear and anxiety could control me.

I must remain positive. Trying to marinate on the fact that it is a rare blessing to live in a country that can provide life-saving healthcare mechanisms to counter this disease inside my body. And this particular stinker is quite aggressive.  It does what it wants. But the majority of people in the world do not have this privilege of solid treatment at their fingertips. For me, it is easy to get lost in the inconvenience of it all. But in the grand scheme of things, it’s a small price to pay.

One of my highly respected colleagues at work has just gone through this process herself after being diagnosed with stage four cancer. She hosted me in her home last evening, and was up at 5 AM to take me to my surgery. She has been a sacrificial companion in offering words of wisdom, some difficult truths, and gentleness while graciously opening up about her own experience. I am amazed at the comfort that comes from the joy I detect in others who have walked this road. And in all honesty, they are coming out of the woodwork. I had no idea.

Overall, my greatest peace has come in knowing that I have a strong community of generosity and support surrounding  me on every side, every day... and this extends all across the globe. If there’s one thing that I have been challenged on, it is to not give up on recognizing the gentleness and compassion of the body of Christ. I am lathered in it daily and am witnessing the beauty of God’s love displayed in His people. The image of God is radiant. This is how we were designed. This is what God’s word teaches.  New levels of grace abound. 


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